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Q: What are two large English cities near dartmoor?
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the large wastes generated is dumped into landfills. the landfills are growing into large size and are coming up fast near large cities.

Are there many large cities near active volcanoes?

not really

What two large cities are located near delta?

Cairo & Alexandria

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Drinking water water for industry transportTion

Where did Sherlock Holmes find the hound?

On the moor near Dartmoor just outside Merripit House.

What three large cities are near the delta of the Niles river?

Cairo, Alexandria, Giza

Why are dams built near large cities?

because people could drink water from it

Are many of the world's largest cities located near a large lake or deep river?

For shipping.

How are manufacturing jobs different from service jobs?

that most manufacturing jobs are near large cities and when factories are built,towns and cities near them grow. and service jobs is an activity that people do for others

Are employment servies in Illinois more commonly found near cities like Chicago or rural areas?

Employement services are typically found near large cities. Chicago has more of them then rural areas.

Why have large cities been built in coastal regions near waterways?

When many of these cities began, shipping and travelling waterways were the primary method for our ancestors.

Why do many large cities develop near bodies of water?

because its easiser to get water tat way