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Q: What are two major ideologies the emerged in Germany after world war 2?
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What political ideologies emerged from world war 1?

Facism and Nationalism

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Who emerged as the most powerul states after world war 2?

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Which countries fought against Germany in World War 1 but on Germany's side in World War 2?

Japan emerged as a world power, but Germany was weak and humiliated

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Japan emerged as a major world power

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Japan emerged as a major world power

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Japan emerged as a major world power

What events happened after World War 2?

Germany was divided into West Germany and East Germany. The United Nations were formed and United States and Soviet Union emerged as two world powers. The two world powers began the cold war.

What was the name of the homeless camps that emerged around major cities during World War 2?

Skid Rows was the name of the homes camps that emerged around major cities in World War II. The government was scrambling to put programs in place to help the displaced Americans.

What happen after world 2?

When WW II ended, the world emerged from the deep depression it had been in prior to the war. Additionally, Germany was split into two haves, the Democratic side and the Russian side. Many Jews left Germany for Israel and America. Very important to note, the United Nations finally emerged after WWII

What was germany's last major defense line in World War 2?

The Rhine River was Germany last major line of defense in the West.

How did Hitler get disrespect and disregard for human rights?

Most historians agree that Hitler's extreme anti-Semitism emerged after Germany's defeat in World War I.