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nuts and animals are for the food.

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Q: What are two natural resources of the east and how are they used?
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What are the two most important natural resources in the Middle East?

oil and natural gas

What is the two most important natural resources in the middle east?

Oil and pearls

What are two major resources of the middle east?

Crude oil and natural gas.

What are two resources that come from the atmosphere and describe how both are used?

The natural resources from the atmosphere are natural air and water.

What two natural resources are used to heat buildings?


What are the two types of natural resources?

Natural resources can be renewable and non-renewable.

What are two natural resources made from natural resources that can be recycled?

Paper and plastic

What is the two natural resources?

Two of the many natural resources available to man are iron ore or fish for instance.

What natural resources are found in Egypt?

the natural resources of Egypt are corn, gold, and weat.

What are the two main natural resources of thenortheast?

The northeast region of the United States is very rich in natural resources, which is what made it attractive to settlers initially. Two of the main natural resources from this area are granite and lumber.

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What are two unrenewable resources do we use in your house?

Two unrenewable resources people use in their houses are natural gas and oil. People often use natural gas to heat their homes and to cook their meals. Heating oil is also used in many colder parts of the world. Both of these are not renewable resources.