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sound and meaning

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1mo ago

One important goal is preserving the original meaning and intent of the poem while also ensuring that the translation captures the style and tone of the original work. Another important goal is creating a translation that reads smoothly and poetically in the target language while maintaining the structure and form of the original poem.

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Q: What are two of the most important competing goals that a translator of poetry must balance?
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What are two of the most competing goals that a translater of poetry must balance?

A good translator of poetry has to unwaver from the flow order of ideas in the original and keep intact the style of diction of the original poet, besides preserving the original music, while adhering to the structural, stylistical and grammatical balancing of the new language. These are two of the most competing goals a translator of poetry must balance.

What are the two competing goals that a translator of poetry must balance?

sound and meaning. Competing goals means two things that have to be achieved by the translator and that for the attaining of one, the other will have to be sacrificed. Thus attaining both without having to sacrifice one becomes a challenge for the translator. The above given answer " sound and meaning" is frivolous and does not respond to this sensitive question.

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