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alight that would be FEEL:soft... And SIGHT: Long and lumpy

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Q: What are two physical properties in a burrito?
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What are the physical properties of a burrito?


What are physical properties of a burrito?


What are two physical properties of burrito?

the burrito is a heterogenous mixture of the sciences composed of matter, along with the solutions of the homogenous mixtures. It can be composed as a solid in the face of a liquid as well.

What are the properties of burrito?


What ae the two physical properties of minerals?

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What are two physical properties that can vary even when the substance with these properties does not change?

i think Buoyancy and Density are two physical properties that can vary even when the substance with these properties doesn't change.

What is the difference between chemical and physical properties?

Physical properties use your senses and chemical properties are when you mix two chemicals together.

What are two physical properties that can that can vary when the substance with these physical properties that dose not change?

Temperature and amount of the substance do not change chemical properties.

What are the two physical properties that change with temperature?

Density and specific internal energy are two physical properties that change with temperaturea change in temperature.

What are two physical properties of?

warmth and air

State two physical properties of wood?

Two obvious physical properties of wood are the following: it is a solid, it shrinks and expands with the loss and gain of water.

What are two physical properties of water as it evaperates?
