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Q: What are two possible sources of earths oceans?
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What are two sources of the Earths energy?

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The sun and the earth's interior are the two sources of energy that power earth's systems.

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the earth can be organized into 4 oceans, 7 seas, and 7 continents

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The sun's rays and wind.

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The sun and the earth's interior are the two sources of energy that power earth's systems.

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Two sources are sun and Earth's interior

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The sun and the earth's interior are the two sources of energy that power earth's systems.

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the oceans and seas cover over two thirds of the earths surface. of the five oceans the pacific is by far the biggest

What are the two source of energy that power the earths system?

The sun and the earth's interior are the two sources of energy that power earth's systems.

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Carbon and Nitrogen were most likely the the first two possible sources of simple organic compounds on earth as a result of exploding stars.