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You only know one reason, and that is that he believes him to be a "stupid" actor who ruins plays with his overacting. The second reason is a secret he does not reveal.

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13y ago

Because they are he went on stage even though Cyrano told him not to, and because he's an idiot whose a flosy.

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4y ago

Cyrano hates MontFleury for two reasons, firstly he's a terrible actor. Secondly, he hates how he look at Roxanne.

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Does mr finch hate chris Anderson?

Yes. Everybody in the show hates Chris for many reasons. He's either done something wrong or messed up big-time!

Who hates rochelle from everybody hates chris?

Judge Watkins does

Who hates Diego's guts?

Anissa hates Diego's guts that's who!!!!

Was Johnny Brown from Everybody Hates Chris on the episode Everybody Hates Basketball?

Johnny Brown is not listed in the cast of the episode "Everybody Hates Basketball". The only episode that he's listed for is "Everybody Hates Easter", as the preacher.

Why was hera constantly fighting with her husband?

Zeus often had affairs with human women and other goddesses, which often upset Hera and is a one of the main reasons why hates all of Zeus' children that are not also her own.

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