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1. Habitat loss by humans attempting to change ecosystems to their liking or benefit (agriculture, grazing, or just replacing the natural weeds in your front yard with a preferred grass) 2. Over exploitation of species by harvesting at unnatural levels 3. Introduction of foreign, invasive species into an ecosystem which compete with native organisms on an unnatural level 4. Purposeful killing of pests which disrupts populations of other organisms 5. Climate change

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11y ago

Carelessness, industrialization and climate changes. Mankind is generally responsible for everything except natural disasters.... and even that is debatable.

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Q: What are two reasons for habitat destruction?
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Things that do not result in habitat destruction are taking care of the environment. This can be not cutting down trees or destroying grasslands.

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There are many major causes of habitat destruction in the United States of America. These include the direct destruction such as the iconic vision of a bulldozer.

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