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The only reptile-like characteristic which platypuses have is the fact that they reproduce by laying soft-shelled, leathery eggs (and not all reptiles lay eggs, either). Apart from that, these creatures fit all the characteristics of mammals.

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Q: What are two reptile-like characteristics in the platypus?
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What are the two characteristics of the platypus that cause it to be classified in the group of mammals?

The two definitive characteristics that make the platypus a mammal are: 1. It nurtures its young on mothers' milk. 2. It has fur. No other group of animals both these characteristics.

What mammal has two bird-like characteristics?

A platypus is a mammal and it has a duck-like bill and duck-like webbed feet.

What characteristics do the bear lion and house cat have that the platypus does not?

They give birth to live babies, but the platypus lays eggs.

What characteristics do the bear lion and have house cats have that the platypus does not have?

They give birth to live babies, but the platypus lays eggs.

What characteristics do bear lion and house cats have that that platypus does not have?

They give birth to live babies, but the platypus lays eggs.

What characteristics do the bear lion and house cats have that the platypus does not have?

They give birth to live babies, but the platypus lays eggs.

What are invisible characteristics of the platypus?

Male platypuses can produce venom.

How many eyes does the platypus have?

A platypus has two eyes.

Did Platypuses evolve?

No. The platypus has always been a platypus. It is not derived from the beaver, otter, duck or any other animal. There is no actual evidence of evolution in the platypus's line. Fossils of possible platypus ancestors indicate that, if it did indeed have other ancestors, they shared the same characteristics the modern platypus has today.

What did platypuses evolve from?

Platypuses did not evolve. The platypus has always been a platypus. It is not derived from the beaver, otter, duck or any other animal. There is no actual evidence of evolution in the platypus's line. Fossils of possible platypus ancestors indicate that, if it did indeed have other ancestors, they shared the same characteristics the modern platypus has today.

How many lungs do platypus have?

The platypus has two lungs, like all mammals do.