

What are two sets of electrons called?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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its called protons and neutrons

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Q: What are two sets of electrons called?
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Does NH3 have two sets of lone pair of electrons?

no, one

Are all electrons in an atom used in bonding?

No, not always. but sometimes yes. Take the structure of water (H2O) for instance. Oxygen already has six electrons, which means it has two sets of two electrons, and two sets of one electrons. The two sets of two electrons are non-bonding electrons, which means they cannot bond with anything, the two spots for electrons have already been filled. But since the hydrogens have only one electron, and need another to fill the first shell, and the oxygen molecule needs another two electrons to fill its second shell, the hydrogen shares it's electron with the oxygen. Remember two electrons are needed to form a bond. Something like CH4 (Methane) uses all electrons, with one carbon and four hydrogens. Did this help?

What is for two sets the set of all elements that are in either set?

That is called the UNION of the two sets.

What is it when you have all the elements in two or more sets?

The set of elements that are elements of the two (or more) given sets is called the intersection of the sets.

What is interseting set?

I presume you mean intersecting. Two sets are intersecting if they have members in common. The set of members common to two (or more) sets is called the intersection of those sets. If two sets have no members in common, their intersection is the empty set. In this case the sets are called disjoint.

What is the set of members that two or more sets have in common?

That is called the intersection of the sets.

A plane that has two sets of wings is called?

A biplane

What is an airplane with two sets of wings called?

a biplane

A plane that has two sets of wings is called a .?


A plan that has two sets of wings is called a?

An airplane with 2 sets of wings is known as a biplane.

What are two atoms that share a pair of electrons unequally called?

I don't know what you mean by "unequally", but two atoms sharing electrons is called a covalent bond.

An atom that has lost two electrons is called?

This atom become a cation with the electrical charge +2.