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Two examples of somatoform disorder would be hypochondriasis and conversion disorder. Hypochondriasis is a preoccupation with fears about a real physical problem but that fear exaggerates the severity of the illness. Conversion disorder is a presence of a motor of sensory symptom with no medical reason.

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The "two types" of Somatoform disorder are recognized simply as the most common of somatoform disorders [out of six], which are Hypochondriasis and Conversion disorder.

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What is hypochondrial?

It is a type of somatoform disorder.

What are forms of somatoform disorders?

Conversion disorder. Pain disorder. Hypochondriasis. Body dysmorphic disorder.

What are some of the symptoms of Somatoform Disorder?

Somatoform or somatization disorder refers to a group of chronic conditions where physical symptoms such as pain and discomfort are present but no organic cause could be identified for them.

What is the prognosis for somatoform disorders?

prognosis for somatoform disorders depends.on.age and whether the disorder is chronic or episodic. somatization disorder and body dysmorphic disorder rarely resolve completely. Conversion disorder tends to be rapidly resolved, but may recur in.25%

Mental disorders in which physical symptoms cannot be explained by an actual physical disorder are?

Somatoform disorders are mental disorders in which physical symptoms cannot be fully explained by a known physical illness or injury. These disorders are characterized by the presence of physical symptoms that suggest a medical condition, but cannot be traced back to a specific medical cause. Examples include somatization disorder, conversion disorder, and illness anxiety disorder.

What is the criteria for a somatoform disorder?

In order to meet the criteria for a somatoform disorder, the physical symptoms must be serious enough to interfere with the patient's employment or relationships, and must be symptoms that are not under the patient's voluntary control.

What is the difference between somatoform and psychosomatic disorder?

A somatic disorder is a malfunction of the body. A psychosomatic disorder is a disorder of (most commonly) the body caused by a psychological factor (the mind).

What is pain disorder?

Pain disorder is a somatoform disorder. It is characterized by pain in one or more areas of the body thought to be influenced by psychological factors. It is not intentionally feigned.

What is the most common somatoform disorder in children?

The most common somatoform disorders in children and adolescents are conversion disorders, although body dysmorphic disorders are being reported more frequently.

How can one have a somatic behavior?

Somatoform disorder is a disorder that makes people perceive pain as if they have a physical injury or illness, thus resulting in a somatic behavior.

Body dysmorphic disorder and hypochondriasis are both examples of WHAT disorders?

somatoform. are you doing an online quiz too? XD

Is there any support groups for somatoform disorder?

I belong to a really supportive support group at This list is small but quite active with a small group of people with varying symptoms of this strange disorder. We would love to see you there. Also of interest is a website at It has been set up by someone who has Somatisation Disorder, for others who have any of the Somatoform Disorders.