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Q: What are two special processes that allows citizens to vote on issues?
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How does government allows citizens to be more involved in government and the democratic process?

the internet allows citizens to blog about issues, and generally monitor the actions and policies of government officials

How does e government allow citizens to be more involved in government and the democratic process?

the internet allows citizens to blog about issues, and generally monitor the actions and policies of government officials

How does government allow citizens to be more involved in government and the democratic process?

the internet allows citizens to blog about issues, and generally monitor the actions and policies of government officials

What is a system in which all citizens meet to debate government matters and vote firsthand?

Direct democracy is a system in which all citizens gather to discuss and vote on government issues directly, without elected representatives. This form of democracy allows for more direct participation by the general population in decision-making processes.

How can citizens become more aware of human rights issues in their community?

research activities of special interest groups

Why is political knowledge vital to citizenship?

Political knowledge is vital to citizenship because it allows individuals to make informed decisions about how they are governed. Understanding the political system, processes, and policies enables citizens to participate effectively in elections, advocate for issues they care about, and hold their leaders accountable. Without political knowledge, citizens may be easily influenced or manipulated, leading to a weaker democracy.

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How will the MY World survey help the United Nations?

The My World Survey allows citizens to vote on which issues they consider the most important, and that world leaders should be addressing. These issues are global in scope and it will allow the UN to focus on which improvements will help the most people internationally.

The best definition for direct democracy?

Direct democracy is a form of government in which citizens have the ability to participate directly in decision-making processes, typically through voting on specific issues or policies rather than electing representatives to make decisions on their behalf. It allows for increased citizen engagement and empowerment in the political system.

What issues do senior citizens face everyday?

getting around

Why use referendum?

Referendums can be used to gauge public opinion on important issues and allow citizens to directly participate in decision-making processes. They can help ensure democratic legitimacy and provide a sense of empowerment for the population. Referendums also promote transparency and accountability in governance by allowing citizens to express their preferences on specific policy issues.

Why is it important for citizens of a democracy to have access to information on all sides of an issue?

because citizens decide or influence issues by voting