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tell how cats behavior help the cat cats chase moving thing and pounce on thing

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Q: What are two things innate and learned behavior help animals with?
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What is the difference between innate and learned behavior?

Innate behaviors are instinctual and present at birth, while learned behaviors are acquired through experience or observation. Innate behaviors are genetically determined and typically do not require prior experience to be exhibited, whereas learned behaviors require practice and exposure to the environment.

How animals learn?

Sometimes animals don't have to learn because they have something called innate behavior which is where it is natural and they don't have to think about certain things. Others behaviors they usually learn from their pack or family.

Is roaring an innate behavior for a lion?

Yes, roaring is an innate behavior for lions. It is a form of vocal communication that helps them establish territory, communicate with pride members, and intimidate rivals.

What two things interact to cause innate behavior?

poopy poopy poo

Is religion born with or learned behavior?

Religion can be considered both an innate aspect of human behavior, as some scholars argue that individuals have an inherent predisposition towards religious beliefs. However, religious beliefs and practices are also heavily influenced by cultural and societal factors, making it a learned behavior for many. Overall, the interaction between these factors shapes an individual's religious identity.

Who teachers a spider to spin a web?

no one or nuthing. some things are just inborn. some animals can do things that mistify us from the second there born. aspiders ability to spin a web is such a thing in my opinion For give me if I'm wrong, but I believe that it is innate behavior, which means that it is an inherited behavior that does not depend on the environment or experience. So in other words, it is a natural instinct of the animal.

Which of the behaviors below of a pet dog is innate?

Innate behaviors are behaviors that animals exhibit that they did not learn. For example, baby monkeys and apes (including humans) will grasp things with their feet and/or hands. Nobody has to teach them to do this, they are just born knowing how to do it. Another example is hunting behavior in cats -- while sophisticated hunting skills are learned over time, basic hunting behaviors like stalking and pouncing are innate to cats, cats will do them automatically from the time they are kittens without having to be taught.

What is the difference between instinct behavior and learning behavior?

Instinct behaviour is when people or animals do something and they don't know why eg dogs burying a bone. We are a long way away from the time when dogs had to eat when they could. If they had a lot of food, they would bury some for a time when they were hungry ready to be dug up again. Learned behaviour is simply things that we learn to do from watching someone (usually a parent) doing it. We would never have done it by "instinct", we learned to do it.

Why is laughter not learned like other acts of emotion?

== == * Laughter is a learned behavior, you are not born to laugh, it is not innate. As babies, we smile and laugh/giggle because it caused a reaction in our parents faces, we get a positive reaction to laughing so we continue to do it. Other emotions are a range of innate and learned emotions (that is how we feel): INNATE: anger, happiness, we all have the ability to love and hate, etc. However, learned behavior (that is how we react to any stimulus or do any action) because of emotions we already have cause us to respond to a stimuli: laughter, frowning, hugging, kicking, kissing, raising hand in class to offer an answer to a question, whistling. Those are learned behaviors yet there are innate behaviors such as sleeping, eating, blinking etc.== == * I believe we are born to enjoy laughter. Sometimes we just don't appreciate some things we should laugh at or perhaps have had too many traumas or tragedies in our lives and forgot how to laugh or, it could be the environment we grew up in (a family who does not laugh.) Scientists wouldn't tell us that trying to have 10 good belly laughs a day will keep sickness away if it was just a learned behavior. Like crying, if it was just a learned behavior then we'd never clean out our eye ducts! We are born with emotions and thankfully for most of us they are harmless emotions, but there is the odd one that slips through the cracks that is just plain mean to the bone. * I think that laughter is an instinct just like cats instincts to chase mice. Keep laughing you'll fell a lot better afterwards.

What is meant by animals?

Animals are generally characterized by having a multicellular body and the ability to move quickly to obtain food. They are the only living things having nervous systems and sense organs that monitor their surroundings. They also have flexible patterns of behavior learned from past experience.

Do animals get nervous about things?

yes thy can since things thru trainers behavior or humans they come in contact with

What is a racial behavior?

Actually, there is no such thing. Racial characteristics are characteristics which a person is born with, such as skin or hair colour. Behaviour is almost all learned, and those things which are not learned and which are instinctive are the same for everyone.