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Oxygen and energy

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Q: What are two things that earth has that allows it to support life?
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What one thing does earth have allows it to support life?

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What are living things that support life on earth?

Water, oxygen, sunlight

What are the major parts of the Earth's life support system?

There are five major parts of the Earth's life support system. These include water, air, soil, rocks, and lastly, all living things.

What are the components of Earth's life support system?

The atmosphere,hydrosphere, cryosphere,biosphere,geosphere and pyscosphere.

Which layer of the Earth supports life?

the top soil of earth can support life

What planet can support life?


What allows the earth to support amimal life?

Trees, because they give off oxygen. Every organism (living thing) needs oxygen to breathe obviously.

How does the geosphere affect the earth?

The Geo-sphere is the sphere of the Earth where living things are found. This section of the Earth has the appropriate amount of gasses and sunlight to support life.

Why all living things depend on energy from the sun?

Energy from the sun makes earth warm enough to support life and growth

How destraying is the ozone layer affecting life and earth?

Destroying the ozone allows UV. These affect life on earth.

Which planet is known as the support life?


Planet to support life?

Only Earth.