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The old classic is rub your tummy and pat your head.

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4mo ago

You can walk and talk simultaneously, or listen to music while exercising.

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Q: What are two things you can do simultaneously?
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How do you use the use simultaneously in a sentence?

He did his homework and guitar lessons simultaneously. This means he did there two things together.

Can somebody do two things simultaneously?

u can kiss and kick

What does it mean if two things are happening simultaneously?

When two things are happening simultaneously, it means they are occurring at the same time or concurrently. This can refer to events, actions, or processes that are running in parallel without delay or interruption.

Use simultaneously in a sentence-?

The twins simultaneously read thier speeches.

Can two brothers hold the title of baron simultaneously?

Two brothers could feasibly hold the title of Baron simultaneously.

What part of speech is the word simultaneous?

The word simultaneous is an adjective. It describes two or more things happening at the same time.

What are two things that are the same about all light waves?

All light waves behave in two ways, simultaneously. Light of any kind acts as both a wave and a ray.

Can you simultaneously do nothing and something?

No, you cannot do two opposing things at once. Nor can one do "nothing", even the dead rot. You can do "something". Pick well.

What is the definition of pelted?

things being thrown at something or someone simultaneously.

What is When you do two or more things at once?

When you do two or more things at once, it is called multitasking. This can involve performing multiple tasks simultaneously or switching between different tasks rapidly. However, multitasking can reduce efficiency and focus on each individual task.

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