

What are two types of fresh water?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Essentially there are two main types, Static Water(called lentic) and Flowing Water (called lotic).

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Q: What are two types of fresh water?
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the same. the salt isn't evaporated, only the h2o, so fresh and salt water evaporate the same unless there is another liquid in one of the two types of water.

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The only way to describe any kind of water is in what type of water it would be. There are 2 types of water: salt water, and fresh water. France has both types of water, but a majority of it is fresh water.

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What are the two types of fresh water biomes?

umm, there are only two kinds of aquatic biomes.These are freshwater biome and the saltwater biome.YOU'RE WELCOME!