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photoautotrophy and chemoautotrophy

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Q: What are two ways that autotropic organisms can make their own food?
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How do organisms differ in the ways they obtain food?

they differ because they make their own food

What are the three ways organisms obtain food?

They make food (plant), gather/hunt food (animals), or decompose (detrivores).

What are ways organisms are dependent on other organisms?

they depend for food

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What are the two ways organisms use nutrients from food?

What are the general charateristics of all prostists?

plant-like: contain chlorophyll and make their own food using photosynthesis, have cell walls, and no specialized ways to move from place to place. animal-like: cannot make their own food; they capture other organisms for food, do not have cell walls, and have specialized ways to move from place to place. fungus-like: cannot make their own food; they absorb food from their surroundings, some organisms have cell walls; others do not, and have specialized ways to move from place to place.

What are two ways plants are used by other organisms?

Food and Oxygen

Name two ways protists get food?

1) producers- get food by photosynthesis 2) heterotrophs- gets food by eating other organism or byproducts 3) parasite- an organism that its off another species (the host) 4) host- another organism from which the parasite takes food and shelter

What are three ways that most sea organisms get their food?

well usually most sea organisms get their food from algae in the sea and the bigger their organism the bigger their food. hope i helped

What are some ways berry plants help organisms survive and grow?

berry plants provide organisms with food and nutrients

What are two ways multicellular organisms get food?

killing humans or eating their own kind answer of mico

What are two ways organisms depend on each other?

they depend for food

How do organisms differ in the ways they obtain their energy source or food?

animals- eating, plants- photosynthesis, human- eating and drinking organisms in the ocean - filtration