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Q: What are types of income redistribution?
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What is redistribution income?


How is Social Security an example income redistribution?

Social Security is an example of income redistribution by taking a small amount of earned income and storing it over time.

What function did the government use a process such as income redistribution to assist the poor or handicapped?

In a socialist economic function, the government uses a process such as income redistribution to assist the poor or the handicapped.

What is one way the government cannot influence income redistribution?

Open Market Policy

In which economic function does government use a process such as income redistribution to assist the poor or handicapped?


In this economic function the government uses a process such as income redistribution to assist the poor or handicapped.?


How does income get from businesses to consumers?

The transfer and redistribution of capital happens through multiple mechanisms and directional flows. Transfers of income from businesses to consumers can occur through the economic redistribution from taxation. Businesses can also sell to consumers who in-turn resell. Businesses also have what is known as a 'trickle down effect' where their income is paid out to workers, who are also consumers themselves.

Would redistributing incomes from the rich to the poor reduce the overall problem in scarcity?

No. Redistribution would not improve the supply, but rather the demand for goods. * Although "control" of the country's wealth is in the hands of a minority, there would not be enough revenue from income redistribution to improve the average lifestyle: that would require the redistribution of income-producing resources, which is socialism or communism. Once there was no advantage to self-improvement, the "rich" would stop earning money that they could not keep.

What is the redistribution of health?

I think you mean redistribution of wealth?Redistribution of wealth is the transfer of income, wealth or property from some individuals to others caused by a social mechanism such as taxation, monetary policies, welfare, nationalization, charity or tort law.[1] Most often it refers to progressive redistribution, from the rich to the poor, although it may also refer to regressive redistribution, from the poor to the rich.[2] The desirability and effects of redistribution are actively debated on ethical and economic grounds.-Wikipedia. :)Basically meaning, the more money you make, the more taxes you pay, because the government is distributing wealth.

How is social security an example of income redistribution?

Social Security is a government redistribution program. It works something like this: All people between the ages of 18 (threshold of adulthood) and 62 (age of "retiree") pay a tax based on their income to the Social Security fund All people over the age of 62 collect a monthly check from the Social Security fund depending on their situation (married, number of dependents etc). This essentially means the money is being redistributed from youthful wage-earners to elderly retirees.

What are the importance of equi marginal utility?

The importance of the equi marginal utility is that it is used as a basis for the progressive taxation. The other importance is that it is used in the redistribution of income.

What are the different types of income students can receive?

what are the different types of income students can recieve?