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While it cannot be said with certainty that FMS is hereditary, it has been found in more than one member of some families. It affects millions of people and occurs in adults of all ages, with more women being affected than men.

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9y ago

The symptoms of Fibromyalgia are many. The most common symptoms are chronic wide-spread body pain, sleep issues, and fatigue. However, there are many other symptoms that may be less common. These include mental fog (the inability to remember basic words, or forgetting what you are doing), sensitivities to smell, light, sound, and touch, numbness and tingling in your extremities, excessive sweating, and lipomas (fatty lumps under your skin). The risk of falling is also increased for many suffering from Fibromyalgia. Many also find that they have difficulty regulating their temperature. They may be hot one moment only to be freezing cold the next. Fibromyalgia patients also often suffer from several other conditions; including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Migraines, and temperomandibular joint (TMJ).

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There are many nutrients you need to help with you're fibromyalgia symptoms including calcium, zinc, magnesium, and manganese. Here is more information:

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Is it true that fibromyalgia can cause brain tissue loss?

No. At this time there has been no connection between Fibromyalgia and brain tissue loss. The symptoms of Fibromyalgia often overlap the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis, which does typically show brain tissue loss.

Can Fibromyalgia be cured?

At this time there is no cure for Fibromyalgia. However, some have found that they can improve their symptoms through a variety treatments.

Can Fibromyalgia can be cured?

At this time there is no cure for Fibromyalgia. However, some have found that they can improve their symptoms through a variety treatments.

Are there varying degrees of fibromyalgia?

Yes. Everyone who has Fibromaylgia is different and may experience symptoms of Fibromyalgia at different degrees. Even a single person will experience different degrees of Fibromyalgia as symptoms may be worse one day than they are the next. Often Fibromyalgia symptoms can change from minute to minute, as they are impacted by a variety of different triggers, including stress and diet.

Is fibromyalgia life threatening?

You are no more likely to die of the flu with Fibromyalgia than you are without it. However, because those with Fibromyalgia often have weakened immune systems, they are more susceptible to getting the flu.