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Q: What are undersized red blood cells sometimes seen in anemia?
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What is the medical definition of anemia?

Anemia is when one has fewer blood cells than normal. There can be many causes for anemia such as excessive blood loss, poor red blood cell production, or destruction of the blood cells.

What is the medical name for iron deficiency?

Iron deficiency affects the formation of blood cells, especially the red blood cells. If they get low in number it is called anemia.

What is Lack of red blood cells is called?

The short and sweet answer to that is anemia but there are several different types of anemia and not all of them are characterized by a deficiency of red blood cells. It really depends on the type of anemia you're talking about.

Is hypovolemia the same as anemia?

hypovolemia is the decrease of circulating blood plasma fluid while anemia can range from blood cells abnormalities to the blood cells average volume.

What is plastic anemia?

Its not plastic anemia , its aplastic anemia, defect in the bone marrow to form blood cells.

How is hemolytic anemia diagnosed?

physicians will examine the blood for the number of young red blood cells, since the number of young cells is increased in hemolytic anemia.

Anemia is the disorder of the?

Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells.

What type of anemia is inherited malformation of the red blood cells?

sickle cell anemia

What disease is characterized by an inadequate number of red blood cells?

hemolytic anemia

What is the disorder of anemia?

An inadequate number of red blood cells.

Loss of red blood cells is known as?


Low red blood cells is called?
