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Parentheses or footnotes are commonly used to enclose information or explanatory material that is not crucial to the main content. These elements allow for additional context without disrupting the flow of the main text.

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Q: What are used to enclose information or explanatory material that is not majorly important?
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When do you use parentheses in a sentence?

enclose additoinal information

How do you add or omit information from a quotation?

To add information to a quotation, enclose the added words in square brackets. To omit information from a quotation, use an ellipsis (...) to indicate that words have been removed. It's important to ensure that any added or omitted information does not change the original meaning of the quote.

Are commas used to enclose restrictive phrases and clauses?

No, commas are not used to enclose restrictive phrases and clauses. Restrictive phrases and clauses provide essential information about the noun they are modifying and should not be separated by commas.

What is sentence for ENCLOSE?

He will enclose you in this box.I always enclose my notes in an envelop.

What is the prefix for enclose?

The prefix for "enclose" is "en-."

What punctuation mark encloses an explanatory part of a sentence?

There are two accepted punctuation marks to enclose an explanatory part of a sentence. The most common is the comma, as in the example below.When watching for platypuses, shy and reclusive Australian monotremes, you must keep very still.Brackets (also known as parentheses) are also acceptable for explanations, as seen in the sentence just written,

What is the root word of the word wrapping?

The root word of "wrapping" is "wrap," which means to cover or enclose something by folding or winding material around it.

When do you use parentheses and brackets?

The different types of brackets are:round brackets, open brackets or parentheses: ( )square brackets, closed brackets or box brackets: [ ]curly brackets, squiggly brackets, swirly brackets, braces, or chicken lips: { }angle brackets, diamond brackets, cone brackets or chevrons: < > or &#10216; &#10217;Parentheses (singular, parenthesis)---sometimes called round brackets, curved brackets, oval brackets, or just brackets, or, colloquially, parens --- contain material that could be omitted without destroying or altering the meaning of a sentence. Example: Sometimes I like to use parenthesis (they make everything more fun).Square brackets are mainly used to enclose explanatory or missing material usually added by someone other than the original author, usually in quoted text. Example: I appreciate it [the honor], but I must refuse.Curly brackets (also called braces, or "squiggly brackets") are sometimes used in prose to indicate a series of equal choices. Example: Select your animal {goat, sheep, cow, horse} and follow me.Angle brackets are often used to enclose highlighted material. Some dictionaries use angle brackets to enclose short excerpts illustrating the usage of words.An example can be:I used the brackets to mark off important information in my research paper.

What is the past tense of enclose?

The past tense of enclose is enclosed.

When to use enclose in a sentence?

Please enclose your tax-deductible donation in the self-stamped envelope provided. Soon the fog will enclose the entire coastline. Please enclose your payment with your tax return.