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Scientific experiments are used to show what happens during a chemical reaction.

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Q: What are used to show what happens during a chemical reaction?
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What symbols are used to show what happens during a reaction?

It helps show you what goes on during a chemical reaction

What are used to show happens during a chemical reaction?


What is a special type of sentence that show what happens during a chemical reaction?

a word equation, or a chemical equation

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How can show what happens in a chemical reactions?

colour change fizzing new substance produced

In a firework show the fireworks explode giving off heat and light is this a chemical change why?

It is a chemical change because the chemical composition is changed during this reaction.

Uses symbols to show chemical reaction?

Symbols are used for the graphical representation of a chemical reaction.

How does the chemical equation show that a chemical reaction has occured?

A chemical equation shows that a chemical reaction has occurred by representing the reactants transforming into products through chemical bonds breaking and forming. The equation includes the chemical formulas of the reactants before the reaction arrow and the products after, indicating a rearrangement of atoms and a change in chemical structure. Balancing the equation ensures that mass is conserved, further confirming a chemical change has taken place.

How does the chemical equation show that a chemical reaction occurred?

When a compound produces.

What is a shorthand way of writing a chemical reaction?

A chemical reaction is always written with the reactants (the things you mix together to do the reaction) on the left and the products (the stuff you get) on the right. In between is an arrow pointing right to indicate that the reactants react and become the products. Catalysts are sometimes listed above the arrow. And don't forget to balance the equation.

Is this question true or false chemical reaction show is it represented in the chemical equation for the reaction?

sandy hit the bed

What are used to show the changes that take place during a chemical reaction?

Color change Precipitate (cloudy) Bubbles - gas is produced.