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Q: What are vessels witch carry away blood from the heart?
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What vessel carries oxygen and blood to the myocardium?

vessels that carry oxygenated blood are called arteries the largest is the aorta witch is connected to your heart carotid witch is in your neck brachial witch is in your upper arm femoral artery witch runs down the groin and thigh radial artery witch is in your wrist there is one more down in your foot that i cant remember the name of but those are all the major ones

How does blood the heart and blood vessels work in the circulatory system?

What it does it is, the heart is actually a muscle it squeezes out blood witch is moved throughout your body through your veins and arteries. That's what keeps the blood circulating around your body.

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What is the sac of blood vessels through witch all of the materials needed for growth are supplied to the baby during gestation?

Placenta, is the sac that contain all the blood vessels needed to supplied the unborn during growth in the mother's belly.

What food expand blood vessels?

Atherosclerosis is the disease of MODERN life style. What you have to avoid is not to be overweight. (Muscles are allowed and not Fat.) ALL animal Fats are bad for health as they are saturated. You have to use vegetable oils, witch are polyunsaturated. And you should have a brisk exercise,(Like running.) witch will take your pulse to 160 to 180/ minute for about 5 to 10 minutes(Even twice a week, if you are lazy.) will maintain elasticity of blood vessels and forget all diseases of blood vessels.( Even if you are slightly overweight.)

What is the type of blood vessel where gasses are exchanged in the lungs?

All vessels leaving the heart are arteries, the largest being the Aorta and leaving the left heart ventricle carrying blood rich in oxygen and poor in carbon dioxide (this one carries the blood from the heart, and branches off to supply blood to your head and neck, your arms, then your abdomen, and then your legs), and there are also 2 pulmonary arteries that carry the blood to the lungs, and leaving from the right ventricle: this blood is poor in oxygen, but rich in carbon dioxide. The vessels bring the blood to the heart are all veins: 2 vena cava (the superior one brings the blood from your arms and head&neck, and the inferior one brings blood form your abdomen and legs) bring oxygen poor in oxygen and rich in carbon dioxide to the heard, whereas 4 pulmonary veins bring blood rich in oxygen to your heart from your lungs, and this blood is poor in carbon dioxide. In summary: your heart pumps from the left ventricle blood rich oxygen to your entire body through arteries. The oxygen is used up, and the blood returns through veins back to the heart, carrying carbon dioxide. The blood arrives at the right atrium of the heard, and then is pumped by the right ventricle to the lungs where the air that you breath in enriches the blood with oxygen, and the air that you breath out gets rid of the carbon dioxide. The oxygen rich blood then returns to hearth through the pulmonary veins, before going through the left atrium and then the left ventricle where the cycle starts again. Arteries: Carry blood FROM the heart Veins: Carry blood TO the heart

What substnces does the blood carry as it goes around in the body?

Red blood cells carries oxygen to the muscles. Blood also has white blood cells witch carries antibody to fight illness.

What is the name of the heart disease in which the blood vessels become smaller or narrower?

Atherosclerosis. ( The process starts at the age of seven years ! ) So playing on the ground, is the best way to prevent it. Even adult must play some game, in witch physical activity is involved.

What tests can be used to determine heart health?

Heart health is not a exact science. The way they test heart health is to weigh you and measure your blood pressure as well as the speed at witch the body can go from a fast heart beat to a relaxed.

What is a witch finder?

a person employed to carry out witch-hunts and identify witches.

What actors and actresses appeared in Blood of the Witch - 2011?

The cast of Blood of the Witch - 2011 includes: Nate Kutz as Peter Liz Owens as The Witch

What medicinal value does a witch hazel leaf have?

The leaves and bark of Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) have astringent properties. An extract of the leaves is used to treat bruises, insect bites, and to shrink and contract blood vessels. It has been used to treat hemorroids, and post partum tears.