

What are wavelengths?

Updated: 5/20/2024
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14y ago

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A wave can be thought of as a vibrating disturbance by which energy is transmitted. Waves are characterized by their height and Length. Consider water waves in the ocean: They have peaks and troughs and move on one direction.

A wavelength (symbolized in chemistry by the Greek letter lambda) is the distance from the center of one peak of a wave to the center of the next peak of the next wave ( water wave, radio wave, electromagnetic, etc.). The frequency symbolized by a "v" (called nu ) is the number of waves that pass through a particular point in one second.

There is another term in association with wavelength called amplitude. Amplitude is the vertical distance from the midline of a wave to the peak or trough.

The speed ( u ) of a wave is the product of its wavelength and frequency: u=lambda (v)

A wavelength is usually expressed in units of meters, centimeters, or nanometers (1 x 10 -9 meters), and frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz), were 1Hz= 1 cycle per second.

Reference: Chemistry by chang 10th

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2mo ago

Wavelengths refer to the distance between successive peaks or troughs in a wave. In the context of light, they determine the color of the light. Different wavelengths of light correspond to different colors of the visible spectrum.

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How do the wavelengths absorbed differ from the wavelengths radiated?

The wavelengths absorbed are typically shorter than the wavelengths radiated. Absorbed wavelengths are determined by the energy levels of the absorbing material, while radiated wavelengths are usually determined by the temperature of the object emitting the radiation.

Which wavelengths of light are beyond red and beyond violet?

Beyond red are infrared wavelengths, and beyond violet are ultraviolet wavelengths.

How do wavelengths absorbed by a can difffer from the wavelengths re-radiated from the can?

Wavelengths absorbed by a can depend on the material's properties, such as its composition and thickness. The wavelengths re-radiated from the can are influenced by its temperature—the higher the temperature, the shorter the wavelengths emitted. This difference in absorption and re-radiation wavelengths can be used in applications like thermal imaging to detect temperature variations.

What do wavelengths between 360nm and 760nm cause?

Wavelengths between 360nm and 760nm are within the visible spectrum of light, which is responsible for the colors we perceive. Different wavelengths within this range correspond to different colors, with shorter wavelengths appearing as blue/violet and longer wavelengths as red.

Do microwaves or radiowaves have longer wavelengths?

Radiowaves have longer wavelengths than microwaves. Microwaves typically have wavelengths ranging from 1 millimeter to 1 meter, while radiowaves have wavelengths longer than 1 meter.

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How do the wavelengths absorbed differ from the wavelengths radiated?

The wavelengths absorbed are typically shorter than the wavelengths radiated. Absorbed wavelengths are determined by the energy levels of the absorbing material, while radiated wavelengths are usually determined by the temperature of the object emitting the radiation.

How long are X-ray wavelengths compared with ultraviolet wavelengths?

X-ray wavelengths are shorter than ultraviolet wavelengths. X-rays have wavelengths in the range of 0.01 to 10 nanometers, while ultraviolet wavelengths range from 10 to 400 nanometers.

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The wavelengths of incoming solar radiation are shorter than the wavelengths of reradiated heat.

What are color wavelengths?

The longest visible wavelengths are red,

Which wavelengths of light are beyond red and beyond violet?

Beyond red are infrared wavelengths, and beyond violet are ultraviolet wavelengths.

What rhymes with wavelengths?

Some words that rhyme with "wavelengths" include "strengths," "lengths," and "trends."

How do wavelengths absorbed by a can difffer from the wavelengths re-radiated from the can?

Wavelengths absorbed by a can depend on the material's properties, such as its composition and thickness. The wavelengths re-radiated from the can are influenced by its temperature—the higher the temperature, the shorter the wavelengths emitted. This difference in absorption and re-radiation wavelengths can be used in applications like thermal imaging to detect temperature variations.

What kinds of waves have the longest wavelengths?

Radio waves have the longest wavelengths.

What kind of waves the longest wavelengths?

Radio waves have the longest wavelengths.

What do wavelengths between 360nm and 760nm cause?

Wavelengths between 360nm and 760nm are within the visible spectrum of light, which is responsible for the colors we perceive. Different wavelengths within this range correspond to different colors, with shorter wavelengths appearing as blue/violet and longer wavelengths as red.

Do microwaves or radiowaves have longer wavelengths?

Radiowaves have longer wavelengths than microwaves. Microwaves typically have wavelengths ranging from 1 millimeter to 1 meter, while radiowaves have wavelengths longer than 1 meter.

What are the two way to measure wavelengths?

Wavelengths can be measured in meters (m) or nanometers (nm). Meters are commonly used for longer wavelengths, while nanometers are used for shorter wavelengths, particularly in the visible light spectrum.