

What are waves in physics?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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13y ago

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Waves are vibrations that pass through a substance.

The vibrations make the particles in the substance vibrate, which, in turn, make surrounding particles vibrate.

There are different kinds of waves in physics. Mechanical Waves, Electromagnetic Waves.

Mechanical waves being those on strings, for example.

Electromagnetic waves being those in electric/magnetic fields, for example. (radio waves, light, ultraviolet radiation)

Transverse waves - those waves that are perpendicular to the direction of vibration of the particles.

Longitudinal waves - those waves that are parallel to the direction of vibration of the particles.

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Two waves that do not require a medium to travel would be light waves and gravitational waves. - Zach Harris, B.S. Physics

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In the field of physics, that rather depends on the frequency. Optics in the case of light waves; Acoustics in the case of audio (pressure/velocity) waves; radio-physics in the case of radio waves; and Geophysics in the case of seismic waves. I presume you do not inquire after Sting Rays.

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