

What are ways of keeping your students motivated?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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  1. Keep things relevant - make what you're learning mean something to their daily lives, such as using math to learn how to balance a checkbook or calculate interest on a loan; or using Biology to understand how their own body works
  2. Keep things within reach - not every student can perform well on a test. Have some "extra credit" assignments available for kids who aren't good on a test but who will work hard to get a good grade if you let them
  3. Keep things positive - try to find one thing about every student that you notice is positive, even if it's the old joke "I like how you sit in your seat breathing quietly"
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Motivational quotes are ways to motivate people for getting unique material for other knowledge and success. Getting Motivational quotes and messages from this site. Our goal is to giving you new ideas through Motivational ways and evangelism in the millennials about the present and future.