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Dont drink. Or drink then don't drive.

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Q: What are ways to prevent drunk driving?
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Related questions

What are two basic definitions of drunk driving?

driving drunk drunk driving

How much money does the US government spend on trying to prevent drunk driving?

Congress passed a spending bill that helps the organization Mothers Against Drunk Driving. MADD receives over 50 million dollars to help with various aspects of their drunk driving campaign.

What is the best way to prevent drunk driving?

By not driving, taking cabs, the bus, or having a designated driver is better than anything that can go wrong when you are driving under the influence.

How do you use a topic sentence for drunk driving?

A good topic sentence for an essay on drunk driving could be: "Drunk driving is a serious and preventable problem that continues to impact society in devastating ways." This sentence sets the tone for the essay and introduces the main focus of the topic.

What groups are addressing drunk driving?

Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

Where can someone find drunk driving facts?

Laws and statistics on drunk driving can be found at websites like Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Drunk Driving Facts, the CDC website, Life Tips, and Buzzle.

How mucu does drunk driving cost tax payers?

cost of drunk driving

When is drunk driving most occurred?

most drunk driving occurs on the weekends

What is the comparison from drinking and driving deaths and sober driving deaths?

Drunk driving is when you are completely drunk and you are not in your senses and sober driving is when you are almost drunk but you still gain some consciousness in yourself.

Why is it in everyones ineterest to prevent bullying?

umm...thats a dumb question, its like asking why do ppl want to stop drunk driving

How is public records relevant to drunk driving?

it is relevant to drunk driving because it kills

How many drunk driving deaths in 2008?

There were 11,773 drunk driving deaths in 2008.