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Q: What are what is the difference between a convention a caucus?
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Related questions

What is the meeting where a political party chooses its presidential candidate?

A convention is a meeting where the political party names its candidate for presidential election. Running parties hold this convention.

What replace caucus?

National convention

What factors led to the convention replacing the caucus?

are you in Cofer's hostory class too? - Maybe the national nominating convention... Jackson's supporters abandoned the unpopular caucus system and they replaced it with nominating convention.

What is the nickname given the Caucus System when used to nominate a presidential candidate?

National Convention It's "King Caucus".

Why is a caucus important?

elect delegates to state nominating convention

Why is caucus important?

elect delegates to state nominating convention

Why are superdelagates used in government elections?

what is the difference between a direct primary election an caucus

How do presidential primaries differ from the caucus convention process?

All party members get to vote in the presidential primaries whereas they do not in the caucus system.

What is the importance of the word caucus?

elect delegates to state nominating convention

What is an example of caucus?

A caucus is a private meeting held by leaders before a general open meeting is held. An example of a caucus is the Democratic leaders meeting held before the National Convention.

What are three ways canidadets can be nominated in Illinois?

Caucus, Nominating Convention, or Primary

The most party oriented means of choosing delegates to the national convention is?

A caucus