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Q: What are words that contain the root athlon?
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What does the greek and latin root athlon mean?

The Greek root "athlon" means "prize" or "contest." It is often found in words related to competitions or contests, such as "athlete" or "decathlon."

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Some words that contain the root "locus" are local, or dislocate.

Words that contain the Greek root holos?

Hologram and holistic are words that contain this root.

What does the greek root athlon mean?


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The following words contain the root "therm": thermal, thermometer, geothermal, and thermodynamics.

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Words that contain the root word of naut are nautical, astronaut and astronauts.

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words with the root stract: * abstract * distract

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Some words that contain the root 'ply' include imply, supply, comply, employ, and multiply.

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root Answewr: If you mean words that contain the root "scop"...telescope, microscope, periscope...

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