

What are working farm animals?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Any animal called upon to labor. Dogs, horses, oxen, these are a few I can think of off the top of my head.

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Q: What are working farm animals?
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What animals were the best workerson Animal Farm?

the best animals for working on farms were oxen. horses were good but an oxen is stronger and better suited for farm work.

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Cows and chickens are farm animals. Additional farm animals include calf and colt.

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By working the animals so hard they did not relaize that he was in a study planning everything.

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the difference is you wont find most farm animals in a zoo and farm animals tend to bbe smarter.

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No. Marsupials are not predators of farm animals.

Are dogs and cats farm animals?

no, farm animals are sheep and cows

What group of animals works the least in animal farm by George Orwell?

The pigs are the rulers, so the idea is that all the other animals are working to support them.

What is the classification of farm animals based on their uses?

The classification of farm animals can indeed be based on their uses. Farm animals can be classified as product producers.