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There is no "sort of" either you believe in Him or you don't. But no matter what others say God "IS".

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Q: What are you called if you sort of believe in god?
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People who do not believe in a god are called atheists.

What do you call someone if you sort of believe in god?

If someone decides not to believe that there is not a God, then that is their choice - why the need to call them anything - live and let live.

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You are called an Atheist (Ay-thee-ust) if you do not believe in a god or godest.

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No, I don't believe he was, it was God who called him to leave his family. This is what I believe is stated in the Bible. It does not state that he moved about before God called him.

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A person who does not believe in god is called a "Athiest"

The one who doesn't believe god?

someone who doesnt believe theres a God is called and Athiest

One who does not believe on god?

Is considered an atheist by the mainstream.

Is shanice tenisha Johnson going to hell?

That is between her and God... if you believe in that sort of thing.

What is belief in a god called?

It's called Theism. When people don't believe in a god, it is called Atheism.

What is a person called when they do not believe in god?

An 'atheist'.