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You can get the oral type of herpes through kissing but not the genital type. If you kiss some one on the mouth while they have or have recently had a cold sore then you have a high chance of contracting herpes through kissing.

Cold sores are caused by the oral herpes virus and they are very contagious around the time a break out occurs. The virus is less likely to be passed when there are no signs of a cold sore.

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Q: What are your chances of contracting herpes through kissing?
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No, not really. You can catch cold sores ( herpes), get a cold or the flu from someone who is all ready sick, and recently I learned that dental cavities can be spread through kissing but on the positive side the chances of you having cavity lessens

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Hsv -1 (herpes simplex virus) can be transmitted through the sharing of saliva/kissing. hsv -2 is transmitted through sexual contact.

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The risk of acquiring HIV infection through kissing is very small. However, people who are not receiving proper therapy can become infected with the virus and transmit it to others. The risk of acquiring a herpes virus infection through kissing is much greater and herpes virus infection is not as harmless as was once believed.

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mononucleosis is the only one i know about. its called the kissing desease

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Oral herpes?

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Who would be a risk of herpes?

Someone who is having unprotected sex would be at risk for contracting herpes. Oral herpes can also be transmitted by contact with the infected area.

Can you get genital warts if Ive never had any sexual contact except kissing?

No, another persons mouth or genitals must touch yours to get genital warts. Genital warts usually come from herpes or HPV. you can get herpes in the mouth from kissing though, especially if the person you are kissing has herpes in the mouth.

Is there any other cause of Oral Herpes besides sexual transmission?

Oral herpes is very rarely passed to the mouth during oral sex or intercourse. So there are other ways of contracting it on the mouth. It's commonly passed to the mouth by kissing or being kissed by some one that has cold sores, which are caused by the oral herpes virus. There is even a small chance of getting cold sores through sharing utensils or cups with some one that has a visible cold sore.

If herpes is not present can you still get it from kissing?

If one person does not have herpes, it is highly unlikely for them to contract it by kissing someone with herpes. However, there is still a small risk of transmission if there are active herpes lesions or sores present on the person with herpes. It is always advisable to practice safe kissing and maintain good oral hygiene.

Can you get lip cancer from kissing your boyfriend if he chews tobacco?

..and you can get herpes.