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Q: What area of sunlight is at a maximum in one hemisphere and a minimum in the other hemisphere?
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When the area of sunlight is at a maximum in one hemisphere and at a minimum in other hemisphere it is known as what?

It is called solstice. It is summer solstice in the hemisphere where the area is at its maximum, and winder solstice in the other.

Which hemisphere gets the most direct sunlight during winter?

The other hemisphere from the one having the winter solstice gets the most sunlight

Why is the north pole always in the sunlight in the northern hemisphere?

It is not always in sunlight! There are like seasons. For half a year, there is sunlight and for the other half, there is shade.

Is the range minimum minus the maximum?

No, the other way around.

Is spring and summer same?

The sun is over the same hemisphere in both spring and summer, but spring is the quarter-year between the vernal equinox, when the sun is directly over the equator, and the summer solstice, when the hemisphere is at its maximum solar illumination. Summer is the quarter-year between the summer solstice and the autumnal equinox, after which the other hemisphere gets the direct sunlight for a half year.

Would it be hotter if the hemisphere when it is tilted toward or away from the sun?

it would be hotter if it were tilted toward it as it would be getting more direct sunlight than the other hemisphere

What is a data point that is located away from most other points?

A maximum or a minimum - collectively known as an extremum.

How does the sunlight you receive in the northern hemisphere compare to the amount in the southern hemisphere?

The northern hemisphere receives approximately 3% more sunlight than the southern hemisphere. It will continue receiving more for several thousand years then the situation will reverse. in addition to orbiting the sun, the earth has 3 other motions around the sun. They all converged about 10,000 years ago and melted the glaciers in the northern hemisphere.They occur at different rates. Around 200,000 A.D. they will converge in the southern hemisphere and send the northern hemisphere into another ice age.

What is the maximum size of a golf ball?

There is no maximum size provided it conforms to all other standards. The minimum size is not less than 1.680 inches diamiater

Scientific explanation for seasons?

its to do with the earths axis and the way it orbits the sun Answer 2 Yes. Because the Earth is tilted on its axis, as it moves round the Sun the northern hemisphere receives its sunlight less directly than the southern hemisphere. So it doesn't get as hot and the season is winter. The southern hemisphere's season at this time is therefore summer. When the Earth gets to the other side of the Sun the northern hemisphere will now be getting more direct sunlight and it will be summer. The other seasons are 'midway' times.

What other factor contributes to earths seasons?

The earth's seasons are caused by the rotating earth tilting on its axis as it orbits round the sun. This tilting causes the sunlight to strike the earth at a low angle, causing winter in the hemisphere tilted away from the sun. Meanwhile, the hemisphere tilted towards the sun, receives the sunlight more directly, causing summer in the hemisphere tilted towards the sun.

Is solstice when the sun shines on one hemisphere?

Not exactly. The sun is always shining on parts of both the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. As the Earth is tilted, there are times when it shines on more of one than the other. At the point it is shining on its maximum amount of one hemisphere, it is a solstice. It is still shining on the other hemisphere too, but just not as much as it is at other times. That happens in June, when it is mostly shining on the northern hemisphere, giving it longer days and shorter nights, and in December, when it is mostly shining on the southern hemisphere and it has the longer days and shorter nights.