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Q: What areas does the un work in?
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How does the un help in troubled areas?

The UN help in troubled areas by dispatching military personnel and other peacekeepers to such areas, as well as other aids.

Where are the French areas of outstanding natural beauty?

un site classé, un parc naturel régional

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What does un cafe mean?

In Spanish speaking areas, it is a request for "One coffee.".

What do they call a French policeman?

a French policeman is 'un policier' or 'un agent [de police]'. The variety you find in rural areas are often 'gendarmes'

Does the UN peacekeeping work?

In many cases it helps, but there are occasions when it does not work.

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Did UN maintain peace in the world?

A matter of opinion: mine is that the UN's record in maintaining peace is, at best, spotty; however, the UN has helped countless millions of people in improved public health and related areas.

A book in French?

If its just a reading book then its "un livre" (pronounced un leave) but if its like a work book at school, then it's "un cahier" (pronounced un ki-yay)

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They work best in windy areas.

Areas to improve at work?

The areas that need to be improved at work part of a evaluation is common. When a employer gives a employee a list of areas to work on it is not meant to be mean but to help them become their best and advance later.