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Broca's area in the frontal lobe and Wernicke's area in the temporal lobe.

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Q: What areas of the brain are associated with language learning?
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Thinking and language. (Apex)

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Playing musical instruments can help improve language learning by enhancing cognitive abilities such as memory, attention, and auditory discrimination. Additionally, the rhythm and patterns found in music can aid in developing language skills like pronunciation and fluency. Overall, playing musical instruments can complement language learning by engaging different areas of the brain.

How did Broca and Wernicke determine the location of key language areas in the brain?

Broca and Wernicke determined the location of key language areas by examining brain-damaged patients.By examining brain-damaged patients

How do the brain s hemispheres play a role in language learning?

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What part of the brain does learning intelligence and judgment occur?

Learning, intelligence, and judgment occur in different regions of the brain. Learning involves multiple areas including the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, while intelligence is associated with overall brain function and connectivity. Judgment is linked to the frontal lobe, specifically the prefrontal cortex, which plays a crucial role in decision-making and moral reasoning.

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The left brain is generally associated with logical, analytical thinking and controls tasks such as language processing, mathematics, and problem-solving. This hemisphere is often linked to linear and sequential learning styles.

Why can a person with brain injury understand speech but not talk?

People with different brain injuries may or may not understand language or be able to speak. If the areas of the brain that control motor function, such as speech, are damaged, but not the language centers, then the person can understand language but not talk. After a TBI, the survivor may have to re-learn language skills. Just as any child or adult learning a language, understanding comes first, followed by mastery and verbalization.

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Answer: Delta Explanation: Apex Learning