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Q: What areas of the world practice imperialsim today?
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Where in the world is judaism practice today?

Wherever there are Jews.

Is mercantilism used today?

Mercantilism is an economy theory practice that is based on the belief that capital and world trade was a fixed system. This was the belief that there were limited quantities of products available for use around the world. This is not a practice that is commonly used today.

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Paine wouldn’t be thinking about today since he died 200 years ago. The world today is a whole different world.

What led the European imperialsm?

what led to European imperialsim was an ego trippin' dictator called Mitch Rogers and he dominated the ancient world...oh and he was really short.

Where are the people that practice islam today?

They are allover the world although with different percentages to total country population.

How many people practice Shamanism today?

there arnt many people in the world that practice Shamanism. Shamanism is great. invovled with animal spirits. and as you can see i am a Native american ;-)

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They have their origin in China but today they are grown in all the citrus producing areas of the world.

Where do the Islam people pactice their religion?

They practice their religion every where in the world and every time. However, if you mean where they practice praying (or Salat), then they practice it in Masjid (or called mosque in English) or at home, in office, or in any open or closed clean dry areas.

Is there going to be a earth quake today?

There are earthquakes everyday around the world. Most aren't felt or in areas where there are no people.

What areas of the world are influenced by roman culture today?

Catholicism, government, philosophy, numerics, the Romans left their mark pretty deep

Where do the people who practice Hinduism live today?

people practicing Hinduism mainly live in India today. They can also be found in other parts of the world, such as Nepal, Mauritius, Africa and America, UK and Europe.

Where are most located in the world today who practice judaism?

Israel, America, Britain, Canada, France, and lesser numbers in other western European countries.