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Q: What arguements did Andrew Jackson give to refute South carolinas claim to nullify an act of congress?
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What was nullification?

Nullification was the idea that the states could declare acts of congress to be unconstitutional. In particular South Carolina objected to the federal tariff while Jackson was president and decided to nullify it and so not collect it or pay it.

Who can nullify an Act of Congress?

The Supreme Court can nullify an Act of Congress. They would have to say that it specifically contridicted the Constitution. The President could affect a law by refusing to enforce it.

What actions did Andrew Jackson take in the nullification crisis?

Nullification refers to a state's ability to ignore (nullify) acts of Congress. Jackson's actions in the nullification crisis suggests hebelieved in the limited use of federal power but also that states were not truly sovereign.

What argued that states could nullify and act of congress?

Nullification Act of 1832

What did the Kentucky Resolution had originally stated?

States could nullify laws of Congress

Intended to overrule and nullify the dred scott decision congress drafted the?

Thirteenth Amendment

What did Congress draft that intended to overrule and nullify the Dred Scott decision?

The Thirteenth Amendment

Sentence with nullify?

When I see you my love. You nullify my brain.

What did the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions argue?

States could nullify federal laws. That states could and should decide when Congress was passing unconstitutional laws PLATOO against a loose interpretation of the constitution

How do you spell nullify?

Nullify is correct.

How did Andrew Jackson feel about states' rights?

President Jackson's commitment to states' rights was challenged during the Nullification Crisis when South Carolina chose to nullify a tariff they believed would not operate in the state's best interest. He threatened to use the military to force the state to comply.

The conflict between Jackson and Calhoun was sharpened by their strong disagreement over the?

John Calhoun and Andrew Jackson were staunch political foes. The situation was made worse when Calhoun persuaded South Carolina to nullify tariffs set in place by the Jackson administration in 1828 and 1832. Jackson petitioned Congress and won the right to use federal forces to enforce federal law, and anchored wars ships off the Charleston coast.