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The haida had a daily life of singing and dancing

so they made up all their songs and dances

they have been around for generations

hope i was usefull

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Q: What art and music do the haida create?
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What are the facts of haida art?

Haida art comes from the Haida people/ tribes on the coastal of the Queen Charlotte Island off western Canada this is one of the Haida art art work!

What is the most rare colour used in Haida art?

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What is the meaning of haida symbol?

Haida symbols are used in Haida art to represent aspects of their culture, beliefs, and traditions. These symbols often depict animals, elements of nature, and ancestral beings, with each symbol holding its own unique meaning and significance in Haida culture.

Is a singer or a player of a musical instrument an artist?

Yes, in their own right. Music is an art ... it takes talent to create and perform music.

What are haida arts and crafts like?

The Haida Tribe were known for their good making of basketry and for making alot of wood carving art. They also made masks and awesome totem poles.

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What are art forms?

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