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1.) the arterial system has one of these; the venous system has two - D.) brachiocephalic

2.) these arteries supply the myocardium - I.) coronary

3.) two paired arteries serving the brain - G.) common cartoid, and Z.) vertebral

4.) longest vein in the lower limb - O.) great saphenous

5.) artery on the dorsum of the foot checked after leg surgery - K.) dorsalis pedis

6.) serves the posterior thigh - J.) deep artery of the thigh

7.) supplies the diaphragm - T.) phrenic

8.) formed by the union of the radial and ulnar nerves - C.) brachial

9.) two superficial veins of the arm - B.) basilic and F.) Cephalic

10.) artery serving the kidney - W.) renal

11.) veins draining the liver - P.) hepatic

12.) artery that supplies the distal half of the large intestines - Q.) inferior mesenteric

13.) drains the pelvic organs - S.) internal iliac

14.) what the external iliac artery becomes on entry into the thigh - M.) femoral

15.) major artery serving the arm - X.) subclavian

16.) supplies most of the small intestine - Y.) superior mesenteric

17.) join to form the inferior vena cava - H.) common iliac

18.) an arterial trunk that has three major branches, which run to the liver, spleen, and stomach - E.) celiac trunk

19.) major artery serving the tissues external to the skull - L.) external cartoid

20.) three veins serving the leg - A.) anterior tibial, N.) fibular, and U.) posterior tibial

21.) artery generally used to take the pulse on the wrist - V.) radial

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The arterial system has one aorta, while the venous system has two vena cavae (superior and inferior).

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Q: What arterial system has one of these the venous system has two?
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What are the two types of blood that are in the heart?

Venous and arterial

Does everyone have venous blood?

Yes, everyone has venous blood. Venous blood is the blood that flows through veins back to the heart after delivering oxygen to the body's tissues. It is one of the two main types of blood along with arterial blood.

The three major parts of circulatory system?

The SYSTEMIC CIRCULATION transfers oxygenated blood from a central pump (the heart) to all of the body tissues (systemic arterial system) and returns deoxygenated blood with a high carbon dioxide content from the tissues to the central pump (systemic venous system). The PULMONARY CIRCULATION is where oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange between the blood and alveolar air occurs. The PORTAL CIRCULATION normally is only one capillary bed for each branch of a circuit, however, there are a few instances where there are two capillary beds, one after each other, in series. hope this helps^_^

What two types of blood specimens are used for most hematological tests?

Capillary blood samples and venous blood samples are both used for hematological tests.

What increases venous return?

According to Starling's law, an increase in venous return (i.e. increase in preload on the ventricles) results in a more effective contraction, hence augmenting cardiac output, as long as the actin and myosin fibrils in the muscle fibers are not overstretched. In the most simple terms, the more blood the heart collects blood from venous return, the more it is able to distribute through cardiac output. If venous return is poor, cardiac output will be poor- basically like a water pump that is connected to an insufficient supply of water.

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What are the two types of blood that are in the heart?

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What are parts of cardiovascular system?

There are mainly two parts in Cardiovascular system. 1. Heart. & 2.Blood vessels. Blood vessels contains arterial system(aorta-artery-arteriols-capillary) & Venous system (venacava-vein-venules-capillary)

What are the parts of the cardiovascular system?

There are mainly two parts in Cardiovascular system. 1. Heart. & 2.Blood vessels. Blood vessels contains arterial system(aorta-artery-arteriols-capillary) & Venous system (venacava-vein-venules-capillary)

What are the two types of CABG surgery?

on pump and off pump.... another way to classify it is arterial graft (LIMA & RIMA and radial artery) and venous (saphenous vein)

What type of circulatory system does phylum arthropoda have?

close circulatory system

What are the side effects of arterial blood gases?

After the drawing of an arterial sample, the artery should immediately be compressed for a minimum of one minute to two minutes to prevent a hematoma.

what are the symptoms of blood clots?

There are two different types of blood clots, venous and arterial. The symptoms of venous clots most often occur in the arms and legs, and they include swelling, warmth, redness, and pain. The symptoms of arterial clots include pain or oxygen deprivation, loss of certain bodily functions depending on the location of the clot, paralysis and possible loss of color in the effected area, and possible bloody diarrhea.

How would you use venal in a sentence?

venal relating to veins: The circulatory system can be divided into two parts; the arterial system, and the venal system. venal meaning open to bribery /corruption He is too venal to be a good police officer.

Double lumen PICC line colors and what they mean?

Double-lumen PICC lines come in two colors. Red is the blood access lumen or arterial lumen and blue is the blood return lumen or venous lumen. Despite the names, neither lumen is leads to an artery, but both lead into a vein.

What is surgical connection of two segments of an artery?

Arterial anastomosis