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The surface that articulates with the ribs which is simply called the the "Demi-Facet" for the head of the rib. There is also a part on the transverse process of the thoracic vertebrae which acts as a block to prevent the rib from moving posteriorly.

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Q: What articular surfaces are unique to the thoracic vertebra?
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How many cervical thoracic and lumbar vertebrae are there?

Absolutely! They have features unique to the region they are found in, relating to structure and therefore function. Typical cervical vertebrae (C3-C6) usually have bifid spinous processes which point slightly inferiorly. The spinous processes on lumbar vertebrae are oblong in shape and point directly posteriorly. The articular facets of cervical vertebrae face superior-inferiorly, whereas lumbar articular facets face medial-laterally. Cervical vertebrae have transverse foramen on right and left(containing the vertebral arteries), lumbar have none. They have mamillary processes on their superior articular processes. The bodies of lumbar vertebra are larger and thicker than cervical vertebrae, though they are oval/kidney shaped shaped in both regions. The transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae are much longer, for muscle attachment. Cervical vertebrae have anterior and posterior tubercles extending from their transverse processes. The pedicles of lumbar vertebrae are slightly longer and more defined than those of cervical vertebrae. I think that covers everything, let me know if you think of anything else!

What is found only in the cervical vertebrae?

In the cervical and thoracic area of your spine. The cervical vertebrae starts right under your skull (following what's called the occipital foramen/foramen magnum). There are 7 cervical verterbrae and they end aproximatively under your neck (in the place where you feel a small circular prominence). Right under there are the thoracic vertebrae, in the number of 12. They end, let's say, at the upper part of your lower back.

Why are fingerprints unique?

All people are unique there for so are you fingers! Hope That Helped!!

What causes scientist disagree?

they have unique perspectives and skillsThey have unique perspectives and skills.

How many bones in the cervical vertebrae?

There are seven cervical (C1-C7) vertebrae. The top two are unique in form and number three through seven are similar in morphology. The uppermost is the atlas (C1) which supports the skull, and the next is the axis (C2), where much if the rotation takes place. The body of the atlas is the odontoid process of the axis (c2), and the atlas (c1) rotates around this.

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No. "One of the most unique pressing surfaces..." is a correct noun phrase, a group of words (without a verb) based on a noun. The noun in the phrase is 'surfaces'.A noun phrase functions as a noun as the subject of a sentence or a clause and as the object of a verb or a preposition.However the phrase "most unique" is grammatically and symantically incorrect. The word "unique" means "one of a kind." It is impossible for something that is unique (one of a kind) to be more one of a kind, or more unique, than something else. Consequently it is impossible for anything to be "the most unique."An equivalent but grammatically correct phrase might be "one of the most distinctive pressing surfaces..."

How many cervical thoracic and lumbar vertebrae are there?

Absolutely! They have features unique to the region they are found in, relating to structure and therefore function. Typical cervical vertebrae (C3-C6) usually have bifid spinous processes which point slightly inferiorly. The spinous processes on lumbar vertebrae are oblong in shape and point directly posteriorly. The articular facets of cervical vertebrae face superior-inferiorly, whereas lumbar articular facets face medial-laterally. Cervical vertebrae have transverse foramen on right and left(containing the vertebral arteries), lumbar have none. They have mamillary processes on their superior articular processes. The bodies of lumbar vertebra are larger and thicker than cervical vertebrae, though they are oval/kidney shaped shaped in both regions. The transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae are much longer, for muscle attachment. Cervical vertebrae have anterior and posterior tubercles extending from their transverse processes. The pedicles of lumbar vertebrae are slightly longer and more defined than those of cervical vertebrae. I think that covers everything, let me know if you think of anything else!

What is found only in the cervical vertebrae?

In the cervical and thoracic area of your spine. The cervical vertebrae starts right under your skull (following what's called the occipital foramen/foramen magnum). There are 7 cervical verterbrae and they end aproximatively under your neck (in the place where you feel a small circular prominence). Right under there are the thoracic vertebrae, in the number of 12. They end, let's say, at the upper part of your lower back.

What bone is unique to the axis vertebrae?

The atlas, also known as C1 sits on the axis, or C2. The dens of the axis projects through the vertebral foramen of the atlas and the vertebral facets come in contact with each other through cartilaginous discs between the two vertebrae.

Where is the Sacrum and the Coccyx?

The answer to this question depends on what you are looking for as aspects for differentiation. The most unique vertebra is the atlas, also known as cervical vertebra number one (C1). It is the only one that does not have a body, lamina, or spinous process.

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Diamond is an unique material, which can exhibit both negative and positive electron affinities. A clean diamond surface yields a positive electron affinity of around 0.6 eV. In contrast, hydrogenated and hydroxylated diamond surfaces exhibit negative electron affinities of -1.1 and -2.13 eV, respectively. Moreover, halogenated diamond surfaces give positive electron affinities. Hope this will help :-)

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There are seven cervical (C1-C7) vertebrae. The top two are unique in form and number three through seven are similar in morphology. The uppermost is the atlas (C1) which supports the skull, and the next is the axis (C2), where much if the rotation takes place. The body of the atlas is the odontoid process of the axis (c2), and the atlas (c1) rotates around this.

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It is a unique code.

What is tongue twister with long e?

"Unique, New York, Unique, New York, Unique, New York, Unique, New York, Unique, New York, Unique, New York, Unique, New York, Unique, New York, Unique, New York," keep on saying it a lot, and soon you'll be saying: "Unique, you York!"