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Q: What artifacts would support the land bridge theory?
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How many pounds of weight can be held by a bridge made out of A Popsicle sticks?

Depends on the design of the bridge, and how the sticks are joined. In theory I could build a bridge of popsicle sticks that would support several tons of weight- but it would take a LOT of popsicle sticks.

Which theory would a 17th-century European king mostly support?

the devine right theory

A suspension bridge with only one tower?

Actually, a suspension bridge mostly has 2 or more towers. The towers on a bridge are used for support without them a bridge would collapse! :-)

Which government theory would a 17th-century European king most likely support?

A 17th century European king would most likely support the divine right theory.

Which theory would a 17th-century European king mostly likely support?

the devine right theory

Which theory would a 17th century European king mostly likely support?

The divine right theory

How would you disprove the theory of continental drift?

All you would have to do is refute the existing scientific data, through replicateable scientific experiments which support your theory.

Jacques Bossuet wrote it is god who establishes king. Which theory of the origin of government would he support?

The divine right theory

Jacques Bossuet wrote It is God who establishes kings. Which theory of the origin of government would he support?

The divine right theory

Jacques Bossuet wrote It is God who establishes kings Which theory of the origin of government would he support?

Jacques Bossuet would likely support the divine right theory of the origin of government, which suggests that rulers are appointed by God to govern and that their authority comes from a higher power. According to this theory, kings have a divine mandate to rule and their authority is derived from God.

Which theory would a 17th century king most likely like?

A 17th century European king would most likely support the divine right theory.

Where did wegener look for proof that would support his theory of continental drift?

fossila and landforms