

What artificial respiration is?

Updated: 10/24/2021
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7y ago

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Artificial Respiration is a device or machine that allows a patient or person needing assistance for breathing Breath. This machine acts as the lungs of the person where oxygen can go in and out sustaining life in the body.

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Harry Rogahn

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When was artificial respiration invented?

when was artificial respiration invented

From where can the person get supply of oxygen for artificial respiration?

A person can get the supply of oxygen for artificial respiration from the cylinders attached to the machines.

What is the Colloquial term for artificial respiration?

The colloquial term for artificial respiration is "the kiss of life". Also, CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resucitation ( Resusitation).

What is colloquial term for artificial respiration?

The colloquial term for artificial respiration is "the kiss of life". Also, CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resucitation ( Resusitation).

What is manual artificial respiration?

Artificial respiration is the act of assisting or stimulating respiration, a metabolic process referring to the overall exchange of gases in the body by pulmonary ventilation, external respiration, and internal respiration. In the field of manual artificial respiration, a general crystallization of ideas occurred several years ago as a result of extensive research on adult human subjects.

Is artificial respiration temporary or permanent?

yes, the person can be kept in artificial respiration temporarily or permanently. 1:in a hospital a person is given artificial supply of oxygen ,when he is in coma,as long as he can survive under such condition . 2:and for example when a person drowns ,he or she is given artificial respiration.

Where person get oxygen for artificial respiration?

an PERSON GETS ARTIFICIAL OXYGEN FROM THE CYLINDER that are attached to the hospitals.

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What has the author Thomas Ownsworth Garland written?

Thomas Ownsworth Garland has written: 'Artificial respiration with special emphasis on the Holger Nielson method' -- subject(s): Artificial respiration

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