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Such artists are portraitists.

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Q: What artists paint pictures of faces?
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What does an artist do at work?

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Muse is referring to as a model for example artists have models to be able to paint pictures.

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What is the name given to artists who paint and draw pictures?

All those people who make art. Besides painters there are sculptors, engravers, video artists, etc.

What holds an artists paint?

Most artists have a paint tray holding their paint and brushes

Why are there no pictures of gods in the guruwara?

There are no pictures of gods in the guruwara because they are too sacred to show their faces. It is believed that they are the rulers;the mighty ones. Locals are afaid of upsetting the gods by having mortals paint pictures of them.

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What artists used collage?

artists that paint.

Why did Bridget riley paint?

because she was inspired to paint by other artists, she was intrigued in art when she went to the Jackson Pollock exhibition in London then she realised she wanted to paint black and white pictures for other people so they could admire her work.

What are the things that artists use to paint their canvass?


What do artists paint on?

a canvas