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im not sure but i think they were nature worshippers in the sense that they all worshipped either nut the god of the sky, geb of earth etc??? i hope this helped:)

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ibis , sacren , ankh ,eye of horus, and many more

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Q: What aspects of nature were considered sacred by the ancient Egyptians?
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In what sense were Egyptians nature worshippers?

The ancient Egyptians might be called nature worshippers because their gods were based on animals and forces of nature.

Why is nature important to ancient Egyptians?

it keeps them alive

Who was the human being ancient egyptians believed to have a divine nature?

The Pharaoh

In what sense were the ancient egyptians nature worshippers?

Their gods were often spirits of nature. For example, Ra was the personification of the sun.

What religion did ancient Egyptians believe in?

Ancient Egyptians had their own polytheistic religion, worshipping dozens of gods they believed were present in and had control over nature. Rituals centered on the pharaoh, a human descended from gods.

Sentence using belief?

The Ancient Egyptians had a belief of many gods representing items found in nature.

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Ares, the Greek god of war, is often considered the warmonger of myth. Known for his fierce and violent nature, Ares is associated with the physical aspects of war and conflict in ancient Greek mythology.

What did Egyptians use to explain acts of nature?

Egyptians used stories to about their gods to explain acts of nature

In what ways did ancient Egyptians use religion to understand nature?

The same way all ancient people used it: they made up fanciful stories about giant birds eating the sun to explain sunset and gods having chariot races to explain thunder. EDIT: The ancient Egyptians used religion to understand nature with their gods. For example: Anubis was the jackal the Egyptians thought that the jackal was an animal that controlled death(as the Anubis mask was worn in mummification), and made it the god of death. EDIT2: Above that ancient egyptians related volcanoes , earthquakes and other natural disasters to religious figures as a rage of one of their religious gods.

Why was there an Egyptian god for everything in nature?

The Egyptian gods and goddesses were created based upon the world the ancient Egyptians saw around them, and what they believed it meant.

Did the Greeks think there were answers for everything and the egyptians blamed the gods?

Finding answers or blaming gods is in the individual's nature - be they modern or ancient - not that of a whole people.

How did nature affect the religion of ancient Egypt?

nature affected their religion by hitting them with storms and rain and any other natural disaster.