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Q: What asphalt coal and petroleum are made from the remains of living organisms what are they considered to be?
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How is asphalt formed in the rock cycle?

Asphalt is not a rock, but is produced from the remains of fossilized organisms.

How does petroleum form?

Petroleum is formed under Earth's surface by the decomposition of marine organisms. The remains of tiny organisms. EW!

From what do petroleum and natural gas mostly form?

The remains of sea organisms

What fossil fuel is formed by the remains of prehistoric organisms in shallow oceans and lakes?


Why is petroleum and coal called fossil fuels?

Because they are remains of organisms preserved in rocks

How is petroleum formed?

scientists think that petroleum formed from the remains of plankton and other microscopic protists, plants, and animals living in shallow seas millions of years ago. The remains of these organisms settled on the ocean floor and were covered by sediments. Over millions of years, the pressure and heat produced by the sediments coverted the remains of these organisms into a syrupy liquid.

How was coal formed over millions of years?

the remains of plant matter is changed into coal over millions of years while the remains of billions of microorganisms and other organisms formed petroleum and natural gas.

How long does it take for petroleum to be created?

Petroleum is a mixture of plant and animal remains compressed together and heated under the Earth's crust. Petroleum occurs naturally as a liquid after millions of years of this process. Petroleum is harvested by drilling into underground wells and then is filtered to become crude oil, which can be converted, once again, into various fuel or household products. These products range from gasoline to asphalt and even include the medicinal compounds created with petroleum jelly.

Why are coal petroleum and natural gas considered nonrenewable resources if they were produced from plant and animal remains?

Coal, petroleum and natural gas took millions of years to form. Which is why they are classed as non-renewable resources.

Why are coal petroleum and natural gas considered nonrenewable resources if they were produce from plant and animals remains?

Coal, petroleum and natural gas took millions of years to form. Which is why they are classed as non-renewable resources.

Why are coal petroleum and natural gas considered nonrenewablere sources if they where produced from plant and animal remains?

Coal, petroleum and natural gas took millions of years to form. Which is why they are classed as non-renewable resources.

What is the resource formed mainly from the remains of microscopic-sized marine organism?

A resource formed mainly from the remains of microscopic-sized marine organisms buried beneath the ground petroleum. The kind of energy produced when billions of atomic nuclei from uranium are split apart in a fission reaction is nuclear.