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Look for the highest numbered atom in the group: radium.

Also barium has an empirical radius similar to the radius of radium: 215 pm.

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3d ago

Rubidium has the largest atomic size in period 5 of the Periodic Table.

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11y ago

I think it's radium (Ra); but also barium has a similar empirical radius - 215 pm.

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11y ago

Radium and barium with an empirical radius of 215 pm.

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This element is lithium with an empirical data of 145 pm.

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Rubidium in period 5

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Q: What atom has the largest size in period 5?
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Definition Of Atomic Size?

Atomic size refers to the distance from the nucleus of an atom to the outermost electron cloud. It is commonly measured as the atomic radius, which represents the average distance between the nucleus and the boundaries of the electron cloud. Atomic size generally increases down a group on the periodic table and decreases across a period.

How small is the atom?

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Period 4 has elements filling the 4th energy level, while Period 5 has elements filling the 5th energy level. This means that Period 5 elements have an additional electron shell compared to Period 4 elements. Period 5 elements also exhibit trends such as increasing atomic size and metallic character compared to Period 4.

What is the size of cobalt the atom?

The atomic radius of cobalt is about 135 pm (±5 pm).

How do the periods on the periodic table get their numbers?

if an element has 1 shell in its atom it is in period 1and so on... 2 shells=period 2 3 shells=period 3 4 shells=period 4 5 shells=period 5 6 shells=period 6 7 shells=period 7

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5 holds the least amount of compounded drug. 000 is the largest.

What is the largest number of electrons that an atom could donate in an ionic bond?

As an ion, the maximum would be 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 more than the number of protons in the atom, and the upper limit of atomic size is unknown. For the largest natural atom, uranium, the oxidation states are 3, 4, 5, and 6.

A atom whit 5 protons and 6 electrons what atom is that?

An atom with 5 protons and 6 electrons is nitrogen. Nitrogen has an atomic number of 7, which corresponds to the number of protons in its nucleus. Since atoms are neutral overall, the number of electrons corresponds to the number of protons.

What is the smallest atomic radius in period 5?

Argon is the atom that has the smallest radius in Period 3. As you go cross Period 3 from left to right, the atomic radii of the elements decrease. The elements in Period 3 from left to right begin with sodium and ends with argon.