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Q: What atoms along a staircase are called?
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What are the elements called along the boron staircase?

They are metalloids.

What is the staircase called along the periodic table?

The elements on the stair case are called metalloids.

Why are metaloids found at the spot on the table?

There is a zigzag line (staircase) running along group 13 to group 17. Metalloids are found along the staircase.

What is the room under the staircase called?

The space under a staircase is called a spandrel.

Where are metalloids found?

Along the staircase line, in block "p".

Where on the periodic table are metalloids?

On the Periodic Table there is a zigzag line (staircase) running along group 13 to group 16. Metalloids are the elements along the staircase. The six elements commonly recognized as metalloids are boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony and tellurium.

What is the name for a railing along a staircase used to keep people from falling?


What are the outer sides of a staircase called?


What are staircase rails called?

Handrails or bannisters

What seperates the metals and the nonmetals on the periodic table?

All the metals are to the left of a thong called a staircase. Along the staircase are all the metaloids. To the right of the staircase are the non metals, halogens and noble gases.

What is the room at the top of a staircase called?

Bed room

Are metalloids on the periodic table?

On the Periodic Table there is a zigzag line (staircase) running along group 13 to group 16. Metalloids are the elements along the staircase. The six elements commonly recognized as metalloids are boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony and tellurium.