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Q: What awards did Columbus receive for his discoveries?
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What are Columbus's discoveries?

He went to San Salvador

How was Columbus rewarded by the king and queen for his discoveries?

he won a peanut

Has Christopher Columbus received enough recognition for his discoveries?

yes ...

Did christopher Columbus receive any awards?

he got a grant from Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castille, Columbus sailed west in search of a sea passage to India. He had two goals: open trade routes for Spain

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no he did not, because they did not receive awards back then. that is my answer

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No, Alexander Hamilton did not get or receive any awards

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Probably not, not often do pirates receive awards.

What title was Columbus given to repay him for his discoveries?

Christopher Columbus struck a deal with Spanish crown to help him finance his quest. In return for his discoveries and services to crown, he was given the title of Admiral of Ocean Sea and was made Viceroy of Indies.

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He did not receive any.

Christopher Columbus major discoveries?

its America but people think it isn't but just give them the finger

How many awards has Chris Columbus won?

Not too many:

What country did Columbus receive his ships?

its is in london