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A refrigerated banana will mold at a slower rate since refrigeration inhibits the growth of mold due to the colder temperatures compared to a room temperature counter-top .

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Q: What banana will mold first the one in the refrigerator or the one on the count top?
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Related questions

What mold faster bread or banana?

Mold grows much faster out of the refrigerator because it requires a moist environment to thrive which may be more difficult in colder locations because they are rather dry.

How long does it take a banana to mold?

The banana will take a while to mold. It stays fresh till about the 6th day.

Does temperature effect the growth of mold on a banana?

yes,the temprature does effect the amount of mold grows on a banana because if it is cold the particles in the banana which freeze it and make the amount of mold decrease from average temprature

Does mashed potatoes mold?

it doesn't mold if you put it in the refrigerator

How does banana mold occur?


Where does a banana get brown or moldy?

Black mold grows on bananas because the mold spores are located on the outside of the banana. Mold spores are found in the air and settle on most surfaces. The banana provides a moist atmosphere for the spores to grow.

Which fruit will mold faster than an apple?

a banana will mold faster than a apple

Can you use bananas with mold on the outside for banana bread?

If there is no mold on the banana inside fruit, it should be okay.

What rots first a banana or a piece of bread?

a banana because bread dries out before it starts to mold\turns rotten. this takes longer for bread because it goes through more stages than a banana.

Would the mold growth increase or decrease if bread was put in the refrigerator?

Decrease. The refrigerator removes the warmth factor and the damp factor that mold needs to form.

Does banana mold faster than cheese?


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