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IS.1.Little Big Town WAS.1.Fleetwood Mac

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Q: What bands contain both men and women?
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Are mummers all men?

no, not all mummers are men, some bands have some women in them. some bands only have guys and some bands have guys and girls.

Is Lemon Harmful for men?

No. Lemons contain Vitamin C and Thiamine, both which are good for the fertility of both men and women. Citric acid in the fruits however is bad for your teeth.

Are the craftsman woman men or both men and women?


Is diving for men or women or both?


Were both young men and women in Minoan bull jumpers?

Yes. Men and women were both bull jumpers

Do both men and women play demolition derby sport?

Yes, both men and women participate in demolition derby.

Do both men and women wear dreadlocks?

Yes, both do. Men mostly wear dreadlocks, but women wear them, too.

Could both men and women vote in the first Egypt election?

yes both men and women could vote.

Who craves chocolate women or men?

Both men and women can crave chocolate, but women tend to crave it more than men do.

Is tennis for men or women or both?

Both why wouldn't it be! Both.

Is there a difference between men and women vitamins?

the main difference is that men's vitamins generally contain little to no iron, whereas women's do.

What did roman women wear on their feet?

Outdoors, Roman women wore shoes, just like the men. Indoors, both men and women wore either sandals or slippers.Outdoors, Roman women wore shoes, just like the men. Indoors, both men and women wore either sandals or slippers.Outdoors, Roman women wore shoes, just like the men. Indoors, both men and women wore either sandals or slippers.Outdoors, Roman women wore shoes, just like the men. Indoors, both men and women wore either sandals or slippers.Outdoors, Roman women wore shoes, just like the men. Indoors, both men and women wore either sandals or slippers.Outdoors, Roman women wore shoes, just like the men. Indoors, both men and women wore either sandals or slippers.Outdoors, Roman women wore shoes, just like the men. Indoors, both men and women wore either sandals or slippers.Outdoors, Roman women wore shoes, just like the men. Indoors, both men and women wore either sandals or slippers.Outdoors, Roman women wore shoes, just like the men. Indoors, both men and women wore either sandals or slippers.